Thursday, June 11, 2009

Still Annoying After All These Years

Dear humans and most others,

Well, I am not sure why I haven't been allowed near the computer lately, but I am hopping mad about it anyway. (I suppose since I don't have legs, "hopping" is definitely the kind of mad I would be, huh?) I have not been able to understand, with my empty little plastic-ish head, why I have to suffer if Missy Linda is upset or cranky or mad or vindictive or whatever her problem is that day. I guess I am just not in the "human" frame of mind yet.

She has been driving us crazy (along with a couple of people up at UCO) about whether or not she is receiving the tuition waver for this past semester. She was fit to be tied when she discovered that her application was still sitting right where it was put when she turned it in to them! That had been over a month ago. They are not even sure if there is any money left for her to receive! She has been calling and leaving messages all this time, and someone finally said that they would know today if there is any money left. She doesn't really believe that she will get an answer today so that is a good enough reason for her to make my life miserable. I'll keep you advised, OK?

Missy Linda wanted me to mention that the bobcat in the picture in recently (the one about the missing lynx) is about a third or fourth as large as our bobcat. Our bobcat could eat that one in one huge chomp! Still trying to get pics.

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