Friday, June 5, 2009

Not Much Wildlife Action

Hello humans and most others,

Not much has been happening since yesterday--- unless you count the horrible growly, howly sounds that emanated from the woods last night. It definitely was not the howls of coyotes, and Missy Linda doesn't know what kinds of noises bobcats make. It was a pretty penetrating, scary animal noise, though. Tio Kane and Missy Linda went out and dragged Mushu into the house just in case.
The ground turkey was mostly gone this morning, but not early; however, no one saw what came to eat it.

There was a pretty large cottontail hopping across the yard this morning which Missy Linda says she hasn't seen for a long time. She said that she has heard that bobcats think rabbits are pretty yummy fare, but she thought they were all gone from here quite some time ago.

Missy Linda always drives us crazy when there is talk of predators and prey around here. She starts this thing that Darrell Hammond does that goes, "Sadly, there can be but one outcome once the wildebeast has been separated from the herd." She does it in a real Southern drawl like he does since he is from Mississippi. She wears us slick!

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