Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This is a Rant!

Hello most humans and many others,

Lately, I have been sitting on the bar in the kitchen rather than in the dining room. That means that I can watch TV when it is on. I am so disgusted with the way that you humans (and maybe some of you "others," also) have been acting! Since Missy Linda let me free from head down in a shopping bag, I have had a fairly steady view of the way that you all behave.

I have noticed that, lately, all people do is scream at each other and call each other names and tell horrific lies about others! How in the world are you ever going to get things done when everyone (at least, it appears to be nearly everyone) acts like a two-year-old.

Missy Linda says that when she was a kid and saw the demonstrations about civil rights and the Viet Namese war, she could understand the importance of those. However, even during those times, that were some of the most turbulent ever, people did not act like they do today. There was less of the rampant name-calling that has nothing to do with any issue, but then, I suppose Rush and Glen did not have their shows at that time! Maybe Glen is even too young to remember those events. I think that more children need to be taught in school how to debate or talk with others without just screaming and name-calling. Nothing is ever going to progress this way.

Anyway, it is just so overwhelmingly sad the way that so many of you humans are acting these days, that I am worried about my future. Aren't you humans supposed to be more highly evolved than the other creatures on earth? It doesn't seem like it to me!

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