Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

Greetings most humans and many others,

Missy Linda and the other people who work at the fabric store learned a valuable lesson this week. They were all very happy when they heard that the district manager was leaving to do something else. She seemed very flighty, and did things like come into the stores when they were closed. It would be a weird feeling to be there when the store closed in the evening and then be there when it opened the next morning, but things were changed around or there was merchandise that no one had ever seen before. If the store where Missy Linda worked had some "good" fabric that the district manager wanted for another store, she would just take it. No one liked the way she operated.

Well, well, well. When Missy Linda got to work yesterday, things were very different. There is now a new district manager, and he has new rules! All of the employees have to read and sign an agreement that they will sell their quotas of certain items each week or be at risk of having hours cut. The people who reach or exceed the quotas will be allowed to work the most hours. That is going over with everyone like a lead balloon!

I would just like to point out to you people out there that this affects my life, too! Missy Linda is already cranky about this. She is going to complain and whine, and she will probably be one of the people whose hours are cut. And where does that leave me? It leaves me with my chauffeur and social secretary having even less money to spend on me!

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