Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hello there most humans and many others,

Well, tonight is the Oscars, and I haven't seen any movement around here that makes it appear that there will be any partying at this venue. Maybe I should try to get on the Ellen show and win a chance to be a red carpet interviewer for them. Every year they do something like that.

On Friday, Missy Linda went to Norman and visited with Missy Barb. Then she and Missy Barb were treated to a movie by Pseudo Uncle. After that Missy Barb took them all for a Mexican dinner. Guess where I was! Exactly right! I was sitting right here on the bar in the kitchen watching TV when someone turns it on or watching Mr. Nelson when there's nothing else to watch. Let me tell you, I am sick of this! I would have loved to have an evening out. I haven't been out in I don't know when. I believe I need to formulate a plan to take care of this situation, don't you?

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