Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Usual

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, Missy Linda's inventory duty is over, and she has survived and is recovered. She says that the actual inventory wasn't so bad- - -it was Mr. Nelson barking at something in the yard for a long time in the wee hours of the morning that caused the most problems. Mr. Nelson tries to be quiet when he is told to do that, but if some critter is in his yard, he can control himself for only short periods of time. Later, Missy Linda remembered that she should have pulled down the blinds in the family room so that he couldn't see outside. It didn't occur to her until days later, though. Duh!

Missy Linda's friend at work, Missy Hope, had the same problem with her doggy, Missy Penny Ann on the night before the inventory. That pair was probably as efficient as (fill in entertaining metaphor).

Well, I have to run because Missy Linda needs the computer before she heads off to work. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.

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