Monday, September 14, 2009

Starting Over

Hey soggy humans and most others,

Well, I think that Missy Linda's yard is going to be about waist high by the time that it gets dry enough to mow. I don't know about her, but that is embarrassing to me! No wonder I don't have a life. . .I am sure that others judge me by the way her yard looks since I live here. The young man who mows her yard is in high school, and he does some other jobs as well, like umpiring baseball which is in its fall season in middle America. He is free only a short time each weekend, and it looks like those might be soggy for awhile. Missy Linda calls it a "Catch 22" when I mention to her that when it is too wet for baseball, he should have more free time. I am not sure exactly what she means. I think she is ridicible!

Also, it appears that Missy Linda is going to be starting from the beginning with her "calm, submissive" dog psychology. Mr. Nelson has clearly become the pack leader around here since she has started to work. When he wants to play the minute she gets home from work, she plays with him. When he bolts out the front door, she follows a long way behind. When he wants to go down a certain block on their walks, they go down that block.

Yesterday, it was hilarious around here before Missy Linda had to be at work. Mr. Nelson would come inside after getting sopping wet in the rain with mud up to his chest. He would bolt past Missy Linda at the door, and she would chase him all around the den with a towel so she could dry him somewhat. He loved it! It was the best games of chase he had had in a long time! Mr. Nelson---4, Missy Linda---0!

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