Saturday, July 25, 2009

Guess What's At New House!

Greetings humans and most others,

I am referring to the new house of Missy Lesley and Mr. Nick, of course. Some of you may be able to guess what was discovered if you know Mr. Nick very well. It is not a tiny village of cute, sweet bunnies to delight Missy Ryley and Missy Emma. It is not a buried treasure chest full of gold coins. It is not a wildcatters dream come true of a somehow previously unknown geologic formation spitting out crude oil. It is not a secret garden of pot---nor even a long-forgotten bucket of tennis balls for Owen and Annie.

It is, however, the nemesis of Mr. Nick that seems to stalk him wherever he goes. It is that horrible, sometimes invisible to the naked eye, noxious devil of a plant that seems to thrive just to get him. Even the government assists in the plot by ordering the discontinuation of the manufacture of the only vaccine that ever helped at all.

Any of you all who know Mr. Nick will know what kind of a festering, oozing, itchy, miserable shell of a person he turns into when he is exposed to poison ivy---for a minimum of a couple of weeks! Fortunately, he has learned to never touch his face when he is outside in any kind of a wooded area so this time it is only on his arms and chest. He has been wearing long-sleeved shirts to work with bandages covering the affected areas so that his shirt won't stick to him.

Even though some doctors have told him that the oozing rash won't affect any place that was not touched by the oil in the plant, his personal experience has taught him otherwise. He has discovered that the bandages also help keep the rash from spreading quite as far as it might have otherwise.

Missy Ryley told him that he looks very brave!

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