Monday, July 20, 2009

First Camp

Hello there humans and most others,

This week Missy Maitlyn is at her first sleep-over camp. She went yesterday and will be there until Saturday. That seems like a long time for someone as young as she is. I guess I'm not much of a valid judge of things like that since I am an inanimate being, huh?

Missy Linda looked at some pictures that the camp posts on the internet every day, and many of the kids look even younger than Missy Maitlyn. We don't doubt that she will have a great time as I heard that her both her parents would stay gone nearly all summer going to various camps- - -as many as they could sign up for! Perhaps it is in her genes.

The whole family goes "real" camping with just the "Boy Scout" type essentials, so this will seem like a luxury hotel to Missy Maitlyn. Of course, she is one of those girls who loves to do all kinds of projects and things like that so she is all set for fun. Have a fun week, Missy Maitlyn!

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