Sunday, November 23, 2008


Greetings humans,

I understand that the holiday you people celebrate this week is called Thanksgiving. So, I guess it is time for all of you to start thinking of some things for which you are thankful. Personally, I suppose that I am grateful because I am not forced to live head down in a shopping bag anymore (most of the time). I guess that I should be thankful for the new dresses, outfits and wigs that I have that Missy Linda made for me (even though there are not very many of them).

I know that Missy Linda is very happy that the washer wasn't really broken, and it needed only to be slapped around a little. She is thankful that she gets to go to college, even if she has to use credit cards when she shouldn't. I know that she is glad that she has five little granddaughters, some with curly hair, some with straight hair, and all with different shades of blue eyes (oh yeah, and their parents). She is glad that Tio Kane lives here to tell her to take a chill pill when she needs to hear that. I think that should be enough for her personal Thanksgiving.

For what are you people thankful?

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