Monday, August 3, 2009

Hey! Something Has Gone Wrong Here!

Greetings humans and most others,

I have come to realize that it might be that Mr. Nelson is not the good friend I thought him to be. I am getting the feeling that he is taking my place rather than being a companion. On Saturday, Missy Barb had everyone over for a cookout to visit with Missy Carol and Missy Deanna, and Mr. Nelson got to go, and I DID NOT! I was just unceremoniously left sitting here on the buffet in the dining room (my usual spot).

I believe that I was not even considered as a guest at the cookout because I was not even moved closer to the door so as not to be forgotten or anything along those lines. No one even looked my way or talked about, "Hey, we must not forget to take Juana!" I am not very happy about this! I hope that I will not have to join forces with Mr. Mushu to make Mr. Nelson's life miserable---even though this is technically Missy Linda's fault (of course)!

I would like for everyone to have good thoughts and prayers for Missy Carol today as she has a procedure at St. Anthony's to fix her arteries. We are confident that she will be back to normal in no time! Hang in there, Missy Carol! We love you.

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