Sunday, July 29, 2012

Still Bad

Hello most humans and many others,

As I have been sitting here on the dining table, as usual, I have come to the conclusion that change is bad, just like I said before. I don't know what you humans are thinking, but you seem to be causing bad changes that will not be possible to make right - - - ever. Just this week, I saw on the news that there is no ice on Greenland right now. This has never happened before, and it is a really bad thing.

Missy Linda watched a show on TV about some people who live on an island in the Pacific were going to another island to beg the people on the second island to give them some of their land. The first island was fast becoming a death trap for its inhabitants because of the rising water levels. If the people from the first island can't find a place to move, they will starve to death a while before their island is completely under water. It is a really sad story. When this show ended, the people had not been able to find a new home yet. It didn't show if they ever got to move or not - - - maybe because they didn't know what would happen.

It seems that since I have lived here in Oklahoma, it has had terribly hot weather in the summers. It is supposed to be 108 degrees here every day this week! This is dangerous heat for me as well as for you humans and animals. Can you imagine what would happen to me if I got left in a hot car for a while in heat like that? I can't stand to even think about it!

Maybe I should try to think of some ways that change can be good. I'll have to see.

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