Monday, January 24, 2011

New Words

Hello there most humans and many others,

I got a question from a lovely reader who wanted to know about a word that I have used in my blog before. I would like to thank her for wanting to find out more. Any of you out there who have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to email me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand: the word that the reader inquired about is "ridicible." I can't recall if I explained where I first heard this word, but I'll tell you all. It is not in any dictionary to my knowledge. As a matter of fact, that is a project on which Missy Carol, Missy Barb, Missy Linda, and I are working. We are trying to get the word recognized and listed in the dictionary.

Each year, there are some words that are dropped from the listings, and a few are added which are particularly timely and popular. An example of this is a word that was coined on The Colbert Report, "truthiness."

Now, back to "ridicible": At one of the slumber parties that are routinely held, Missy Carol told an entertaining story about something that happened at her office. A very unusual person who was visiting the office used the word in a hilarious way. This lady did not realize that it was not a "real" word. Missy Carol, Missy Barb, and Missy Linda thought it was a very useful word that fills a gap. After all, there is not another word that means a combination of ridiculous and incredible that also has a melodic sound.

So that is basically the story of the origins of "ridicible."

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