Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolutions, Anyone?

Hello there most humans and many others,

I was just wondering if any of you out there make New Year's Resolutions. I have never done that before, but I was thinking that I might make some for Missy Linda whether or not she wants me to do that. I am doubting that she goes to the trouble of trying to improve herself, aren't you?

I, on the other hand, know many things that she can do, if she will, to improve herself! The first item on the list would be to listen to me and take my advice. I believe that would do her the most good, and it is the best thing for all of us in this household, for sure.

In addition, Missy Linda should find a way to earn much more money. I seldom get to shop on the internet any more. She is really cramping my style!

It is evident that she must spend more time walking and playing with Mr. Nelson. He needs more attention so that he will not attempt to play with me. I like him, but he does try to chew my lovely dress when he plays with me. That must stop!

If you have any ideas for resolutions that Missy Linda should adopt, I am positive that she would love to hear your suggestions. Just send her a message through me, or email her. OK?

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