Saturday, June 28, 2014

Drinking Coffee

Hello most humans and many others,

After Missy Linda had slurped her coffee down to a level where her cup could be carried without spilling it, she was telling me about how her Grandpa L drank his coffee. Grandpa always had his coffee in a cup with a saucer. Since it was hot, he would pour coffee from the cup into the saucer and drink it from there. Do you know anyone who drank or drinks coffee that way?

It may have been the custom for the time, or perhaps Grandpa was just too impatient to cool his coffee in the cup. He was known for becoming quickly agitated about even small things. Missy Linda's brothers say they have seen him hit mules across the nose with a board to get them to do something. Missy Linda says that's like having a mule trying to control other mules!

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