Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Where Have I Been?

Hello most humans and many others,

If you are wondering where I have been, I am, too. That may seem strange, but, remember, I have spent a good deal of my life head down in shopping bags. I think I was in a corner in Missy Linda's bedroom. She was moving a bunch of stuff around and putting things in boxes to take to Goodwill. I think she just lost track of me or something - - - or maybe she knew I fell down behind some stuff, and she didn't care. I think that's more likely.

Anyway, now I am safe and up on the dresser, at least. Now, I just need to get back into the dining area or someplace in the middle of the action. Ha, ha. I can't help but laugh at my joke. I should be able to talk to you better now that I am rescued from I don't actually know where for sure. TTYL.

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