Friday, February 1, 2013

On the Edge

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I'm finally back. After nearly an eternity being head first in a shopping bag, lost under coats on a dining chair, I was finally rescued when Missy Linda was looking for something else. (!) Now, we're moving to a different house. At least, I'm assuming that I'm moving with them - - - there's a lot of stuff going into the trash! 

I have heard Missy Linda and Tio Kane talking about where we are moving, but I haven't been there yet.  I can't really picture what it's going to be like from what they say. They keep mentioning that it's on the edge.

On the corner of the next block is a large brick boarded up house surrounded by regular looking houses. One block one way is a neighboorhood of small, older, mostly run down homes with about every fifth one boarded up and with some graffiti here and there. The farther that direction you go, the more depressing it gets.

One block the other direction are larger, upper middle class homes with fancy cars in the driveways. The back yards of these homes are large with trampolines and play forts for the well-dressed children who live there. The mothers there jog while pushing expensive running strollers.

I think it's kind of a warning for Missy Linda. It gives her a distinct picture of where she can go. If she doesn't put her nose to the grindstone or come up with some great ideas, she could move one direction, but if she keeps going downhill, she could move the other. On the edge might be a terrifying place to live, or it might be an inspiring place to live. We'll see.

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