Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Neighborhood This Week

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, here I am again, forgetting that I haven't been writing this week about the things that have been happening to me. I suppose that all that time I spent recently head down in a shopping bag must have affected my memory, at least temporarily.

I had reported recently that a large house on a corner near our new house had replaced its boarded up windows with glass windows and curtains, making it look so much more neighborly. Well, Tio Kane reported to me that only two large windows had been replaced. All right, but that's still better than it was.

Early yesterday morning, around 3:00 am, two women were killed near our new house while crossing the railroad track. It wasn't the huge intersection at Britton and Western where there are arms that lower. It was a smaller intersection near there where the accident happened. There were flashing lights, but no arms. Missy Linda will need to be very vigilant about things like that around there.  She doesn't take such great care of me, but it's better than being thrown in the trash or worse. I don't know what would happen to me if she died, but it could be worse than living with her. I think I want to stay where we live now, as boring as that is.

I need to talk to her about her will and last wishes. I need to make sure she arranges care for me.

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