Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas is for Napping

Seasons' Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, my goodness! Here it is after Christmas, and I did not realize that so much time had passed! It seems like a couple of days since I talked with you all. I have been so booked up with galas, charity balls, and holiday parties that I just lost track of time. (Yeah, that's the ticket.)

Those of us who do our main Christmas celebrating on Christmas Eve have the actual day free that most people are cooking and trying to find enough garbage bags for all the trash. Missy Linda took some antihistamine (for allergies) and proceeded to take a long nap. I'm guessing that she enjoyed her Christmas day.

Mr. Nelson enjoyed his Christmas celebration playing with Missy Ryley and Missy Emma- - -that is, after the pre-festivity brushing, bathing, and nail cutting! He did fall asleep behind the couch a couple of times, but it was a late evening for him. He didn't even hate the ride home. He sat in the child car seat that Missy Linda keeps in her car for Missy Emma and Missy Amelia. He looked out the windows and smiled a lot!

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