Thursday, June 24, 2010

Signs It Might Be a Long Day

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda is already expecting a long day. She mentioned that when she awakens and the windows in her bedroom are so covered with condensation that she can't see out, that's a huge sign that it is too humid!

When she is required to be at work early to get the rules for the exercise for everyone to learn how to give good customer service with the fewest clerks possible, she is not happy. They expect everyone to be all gung-ho about working harder for the same pay? She doesn't understand that.

Then when she remembers that she must stop for gas before she can even make it as far as the store, she starts to feel annoyed with herself for not filling up on her way home the last time. Maybe next time.

I hope your day is better than hers is going to be. I mean that sincerely.

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