Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Rules

Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, Missy Linda can hardly wait to get to work these days! It seems that every day there is a new rule from the NEW DISTRICT MANAGER! It is beginning to be amusing to find out what the fresh mind has decided the workers must do that day. Missy Linda says that she believes that he has never had a management class, or if he did, he skipped most of the classes- - -or worst of all, he just knows more than anyone else!

One supervisor has tendered her resignation. Many are glad that she is leaving, but they would happily keep her if the NEW DISTRICT MANAGER would leave. I remember when Missy Linda would complain about the old district manager. Boy! Does she look good now! At least she wasn't a micro-manager.

Missy Linda says that if the NEW DISTRICT MANAGER decides that the salespeople must stand on their respective heads while cutting fabric, she will have to leave. One supervisor says that when that final straw lands on her camel's back, she is going to pull off her shirt in front of everyone and say, "I quit! And here is your _____ shirt!" Of course, that lady has something impressive to show when she rips off her shirt. Missy Linda wouldn't make nearly as much of an impression- - -except horror or sadness! (Also, at her age, there's the danger of people thinking she is getting dementia!)

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