Friday, February 5, 2010

They are on Their Way

Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, they aren't exactly on their way as I am writing this, but they will be soon- - -even though it is snowing at their house. Missy Maitlyn, Missy Elspeth and Missy Amelia will be visiting us for a few days starting this evening. As it turns out, Missy Elise will even be here with them.

Mr. Brett is going to go to Colorado for a photography trip since the air fare for he and Missy Elise has already been paid. They were going up there to see about a job, but Mr. Brett decided that he did not want to take the job before they even went. They had already arranged for the girls to stay with us, and the airline tickets were already purchased, so they decided to make the best of it.

Since Missy Elise figured that she would just be standing around in the cold if she went with Mr. Brett, she thought that staying with us and the girls would be more fun. I agree that is a great option, don't you?

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