Sunday, November 1, 2009

Loving Halloween

Hello most humans and many others,

How was your Halloween? We have fewer children than we used to have on this street. Missy Linda says when they first moved to this neighborhood, there was a steady stream of kids all evening long. Either all the kids have grown too old, or they go do other things. There seem to be lots of parties and things.

Missy Linda says that she wonders if parents realize that most of those stories about razor blades in apples and poison in candy are actually urban legends. Supposedly the only kids who were really poisoned on Halloween were sickened by their own father.

As it turns out, Mr. Nelson loves Halloween! He did not bark at all, and after a while, he got the courage to come to the door. A couple of minutes after that, he started trying to follow the little goblins and princesses. He became upset when he had to come back into the house because he really loved the kids. Maybe he can go trick or treating with Missy Ryley and Missy Emma next year.

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