Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Auction

Greetings most humans and many others,

I heard on the news that there is an auction today selling Bernie and Ruth Madoff's stuff. Can you hardly believe it? That is the kind of jewelry and doodads and things that I would be interested in having.

I can just hear Missy Linda now if I were to say anything about it!

"What? Are you a crazy Styrofoam tortilla keeper person? You know I have a minimum wage job, and you are lucky you even get to live here! I probably could not even afford the catalog for the auction! And what would you do with expensive things like that? You don't even have a use for them."

To that, I would say, "Whose fault is it that I never get to go any place or do anything?"

I'm not sure what would happen after that because I've never pushed anything that far. I should probably be a little careful since Monday is trash day. I don't want to be the topping on the trash can!

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