Thursday, June 2, 2011

Here We Go Again

Hello most humans and many others,

I am sorry to report that we (the beings who live at this address) are in for a stretch of whining and carrying-on and general bad moodiness for what might be a long time. Missy Linda is looking for a job again! She was always on the look-out for something better while working at the fabric store, but now, she absolutely has to find something. And this time it HAS to be full time. A part time wage doesn't really make much of a dent in a house payment, she says.

Since Missy Linda has a painful knee (she says) and since she is having some complications from some previous surgeries (she says), there is a need for a job that will allow her to sit down part of the time (she says). Again, I personally feel that she is just being lazy. I have a theory that she enjoys making my life miserable by refusing to buy me the things that I need- - -like spa days and new dresses and exciting trips. I sometimes wonder if she is just pretending to be without funds. If I ever find out that she is pulling my leg (not literally, of course, since I don't have legs), she will have a lot of stuff to make up for! And I will definitely make her pay!

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