Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Armed Rooster Kills Man

Hi there most humans and many others,

I suppose that you are wondering why in the world I would have a title like that today, huh? Well, I don't completely understand it, but I thought that Missy Linda was going to come unglued at the seams this morning when she saw this on a crawl while watching some news. It seemed like a really sad thing to have happened to me. I don't think she felt sad about it at all, judging from her reaction, which was laughing so hard that I was worried about her.

After she had somewhat recovered her senses (?), she called Mr. Nick at work to tell him about it. Then the laughter started again. I guess he was laughing, too, but I'm not sure.

When I heard the whole story, I discovered that Missy Linda wasn't quite the unfeeling woman that I had assumed- - -although, I wouldn't call her a truly sympathetic person. Anyway, it seems that Mr. Nick was put into his place, in this case, back into his car, by a free ranging guard rooster. He arrived at someone's home, with an actual appointment, but they weren't home yet. He said that out of nowhere this big ol' rooster came after him! He used his brief case to shield himself while he scurried back into his car. He cowered there until the people came home and escorted him inside.

Well, OK, then. Now, I get it a little.

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