Sunday, May 27, 2012

Not the Best of Times

Hello most humans and many others,

I have probably lost a lot of you guys already because I haven't been keeping you up on my life. I know I have dropped the ball for awhile now. Missy Linda doesn't remember to let me have a turn at the computer when she has other things on her mind. Also, I got moved to a chair in the dining room, and then a jacket or something got thrown over me. You know what you humans say, "Out of sight, out of mind."

I've been hearing Missy Linda and Tio Kane talk, and it sounds as if we are going to be moving. I think that they do not want to move at all, but I don't know why. Missy Linda says things about having lived in this house longer than she's lived in any house her whole life. They talk about how they will have to get rid of so many of their things, and they don't know where to start.

I don't really understand their problems. I'm pretty sure that I'll be thrown into a shopping bag and taken to wherever it is we are going. I just hope that someone remembers to take me out when we get there

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