Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cloudy with No Chance of Sunshine

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I've got to say that Missy Linda's moping around is starting to get to me. If I had legs, I would walk up to her and slap her into next week! Not only is she still whining about not getting to see the girls from Colorado for very long, she is furious with that Mr. who used to live here. It seems that he is supposed to send her a certain amount of money each month, but he isn't doing a very good job of it. You should see Missy Linda after she has received an email from him! I fully expect smoke to shoot out of her ears sometime soon- - -you know, like in cartoons.

In addition to those things, she still hasn't found a new job. I don't know what she expects- - -Remember how long it took her to get that job at the fabric store? I think that she is a little lacking in the marketable skills department. If she doesn't find something soon, though, you guys might want to stay tuned to the local news. I believe that the police would never think of me as a suspect in the murder of Missy Linda!

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