Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hello most humans and many others,

Please help me to get out of here somehow! Missy Linda is going absolutely bonkers- - -and she wants to take all of us with her! From what I see on television, I think it's really good that she doesn't have guns.

Evidently, things are not good at her job these days. I'm not sure exactly what she means, but she says, "Conditions are deteriorating in the gulag."

As it turns out, she may have a point this time. All of a sudden, her boss is taking early retirement after thirty-six years with the company. He says, "One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch."

The bad apple is the new district manager who arrived last fall, I believe. In addition to Missy Linda's boss, two other store managers in OKC have suddenly quit. Missy Linda says she thinks that can't be coincidence- - -three at once!

Perhaps you should keep an eye on the news for awhile to make sure she hasn't done something worthy of BREAKING NEWS!

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