Ay, chihuahua! Does this look like a happenin' party, or what!
OK, I'm guessing most of you are going with "what". That is Missy Carol in the picture with me. She is Missy Linda's cousin and very good friend. Missy Carol is the nice lady who brought me with her from Southern California to Edmond. I had been living with Missy Marilyn who is a cousin to both Missy Carol and Missy Linda. Missy Marilyn sent me to live with Missy Linda because she wanted me to have the "Oklahoma experience".
About once a month Missy Linda and some of her best friends have a slumber party. (She will not be divulging the names of all the friends due to privacy issues. You know how the tabloids are these days!) That is one crazy shindig, though, with the use of very little alcohol. It looks as if they are going to have a very healthful evening, doesn't it? Not a chance! They might start with a few veggies, but that is just the warm-up for the pizza, hot wings, and some treats that shall remain nameless. Who knows what they'll devour next? Needless to say, there are no weigh-ins involved in these parties.
One thing that distinguishes these slumber parties from those of younger girls is that these gals have not, so far, left the premises of the party for any shenanigans. Missy Linda is always badgering the others to go out to fork someone's yard or TP someone's trees, but so far she has not been able to convince them to go along. It is only a matter of time though, I think, so you had better beware out there!
Mostly they just laugh themselves senseless for five or six hours, gorge themselves with killer foods, sometimes watch movies, and plot fantasy revenge on people who have wronged them. Sounds like a hoot, doesn't it? They did notice, after the first party, that even though they had barely slept, they felt refreshed, renewed, and raring to go. That's when they knew, without a fraction of a doubt, that this had to be a regular to-do. Maybe later there will be some riveting gossip coming your way after one of these soirees. Wouldn't that be delicious?
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