Today I thought that I would introduce you to some of the other members of Missy Linda's family. This is Andrew. He is the old man of the pet contingency of the family. He is seventeen years old in people years----does anyone know how old that is in cat years? I do not do math. As you may be able to tell, he gets a lot of special treatment----I should be so lucky! Here he is enjoying his favorite meal. He does not get this every day, but he gets it way too often, if you ask me. Anyway, his favorite meal is boneless, skinless chicken tenders sauteed in a little extra virgin olive oil with a little garlic and not too much salt plus some sweet basil sometimes. Can you imagine! Missy Linda actually cooks this for him! The rest of the time, he gets canned food. He even gets to sleep on her bed-----when she is in it! I do not understand why just being old gets him such special treatment. Why, maybe I'm old in Styrofoam based tortilla keeper people years! Did she ever think of that? I don't think it has even crossed her mind.
All Missy Linda does for me is strap me down in a car seat in the back seat of the car while she goes wherever it is she was going to go anyway. (The car seat is actually for a small child.) You cannot imagine how embarrassing this is! I am an adult tortilla keeper person! And to top it off, she must think that she is Ms. Freddy Mercury or the white Erykah Badu the way she sings in the car to her CDs. I think I might have a stroke if I hear her singing "You Better Call Up Tyrone" again.
She doesn't even try to hide what she is doing. She just acts as if she is on stage at some big concert. I am so humiliated by the time we get wherever we are going! I hope to goodness no one can actually hear her----she cannot carry a tune in a bucket!
Anyway, back to Andrew. When he goes some place in the car, he has a special carrier with a nice clean bed in it, and it has Missy Linda's address and phone number on it, just in case. I could blow right out a window, and no one would know who I am or where I belong. I have heard that when he was younger, Andrew was quite the thug! He would go up and down the block and fight with all the neighborhood cats. Of course, he says he always won the fights, but he has some pieces missing from one ear and a permanent limp from an infection he got from fighting. It's funny though, when other cats visit our house, like Gus, or Phil and Clark, or Brenda, or Kitty*, he always welcomes them and treats them nicely while they are guests here. But one of the worst things is that Andrew is not Missy Linda's only pet. He is not even her only cat! I'll tell you about Mushu next time after I have regained my composure, OK? I'll talk to you soon.
*Cats of other family members or friends who visit sometimes or who stay with us while their families are away.
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