Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In The Bag AGAIN!

Well, did you guys all see the Grammys the other night? I really wanted to see them, but I was not able to get a look from where I was at the time...HEAD DOWN IN A BAG! AGAIN! I thought those days were over. Missy Linda was tired from the trip to the museum, and she forgot about me, as usual. Somehow I had gotten the impression that those days of living upside down in a bag were over. But I guess not. I hope that this was just a terrible oversight on Missy Linda's part or I might have to ask you all to report her to whatever agency oversees the welfare of Styrofoam based tortilla keeping people. Surely there is such an agency, right? After all, this is the United States of America.

I have been told by Missy Linda that I will be allowed to go to class with her one day soon. I am really looking forward to that. I don't really know what goes on at college, but she seems to have a wonderful time there. She is a student at the University of Central Oklahoma, which is in the same town in which we live. She is like all those older people that one hears about. Since they did not go to college at the time when they were the right age, they really appreciate the education. Well, I can tell you one thing for sure----Missy Linda definitely falls into the "older" category. I'm not sure of her age, but I know she is over thirty without question.

Besides leaving me in the bag, Missy Linda is all in a tizzy the last few days. She says she has some work that she has to get finished, and she has classes to attend, and she needs to get the house cleaned and a bunch of cooking done for Parade of Cakes this weekend. You can imagine that something called Parade of Cakes would have cooking involved, of course. If you ask me, she had better get herself in gear and tackle the cleaning. Just between you and me, she is not the best housekeeper in the world------probably not even on the block! She is always in the middle of a bunch of "projects" that seem to require being left out on various flat surfaces throughout the house. I don't know what all they are, but if I ever find out, you all will be the first to know.

There's also the problem of those dogs and cats of hers. Some days it seems that all Missy Linda does is let the dogs in and out of the house. Every time they come in, they either have muddy paws or snippets of dead grass all over themselves that get everywhere. They run out into the yard and immediately start rolling around on their backs getting covered with the dead grass. What is that all about anyway? The cats don't go out much because they want to stay in unless the temperature is between seventy and eighty degrees, with hardly any wind. That pretty much happens twice a year here in Oklahoma. I cannot even describe the hair and fur that is everywhere around here. (I understand that there is a difference between hair and fur.) I believe that for all four of them, shedding is their main hobby. If you ask me, it needs to be vacuumed up on an hourly basis!

Well, I must go and breathe in some big gulps of fresh air while I am out of the bag. I'll be in touch.

Adios for now.

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