I want everyone to meet Mushu. Don't worry about me. I am actually perfectly safe sitting here next to him. He has no taste whatsoever for Styrofoam, plastic and polyester, even though it appears that he has a taste for almost everything in the universe. I have heard visitors say that he is the biggest cat that they have ever seen. I wouldn't know, since I don't get out much. He is definitely about twice as big as Andrew, the old man. One thing that is funny about his being so big is that he seems to think that he is invisible. He goes outside and sits directly under the bird feeders. That white fur on his chest shines in the sunlight like a lighthouse beacon for the birds, but Mushu does not seem to understand why they stop coming to feed when he is there. After a while, with very wounded feelings, he slinks to the house to be let inside. The birds don't realize that Mushu is so heavy that the likelihood of his being able to leap up to catch one of them, is extremely remote.
Mushu was already living with Missy Linda when I arrived. I have heard his heart-warming story enough times to make me puke. It seems that he was found in a bush at a church some place in the OKC area. He was sopping wet because the sprinklers had been activated, and he was so young that he still had his umbilical cord on his tummy. Whoever found him, took him to some people who routinely cared for orphaned baby animals. When he was about six weeks old, Missy Linda's friend called her to see if he could live here. This isn't the first time that this friend had called Missy Linda for adoption purposes, so she knew that Mushu's chance of getting a home here was good. So, of course, he did come here to live. He was so tiny at first because he had a little trouble eating from his bottle and his bowl. He had to have a bath every time he ate from his bowl because he would lie in the bowl and try to suck the food up as if it were in a bottle. I heard it was very sad. (PUKE) However, it seems that he has snapped right out of it, don't you think?
Sometime soon, I'll introduce you to the dogs. I'll bet you will be on tenterhooks until then, right?
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