Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Asleep on the Job

I am certainly annoyed with Missy Linda today. She has not bothered to get the pictures of my party out of the camera. I personally do not know what could possibly be more important. She just doesn't seem to get it.

I will say that she really has those things under her eyes today like you humans get when you stay up too late or have a hangover or have extra bad allergies. If any of you know Mr. Max Factor or Ms. Mary Kay Ash, would you please have them to get in touch with Missy Linda? She really needs their help today. Don't tell her that I told you, ok?

That Missy Linda thinks that just because she has work to do, then my things are to be put on the back burner! She always has to go upstairs to do whatever it is she does up there, or she says she has to write a paper for school or such nonsense. Those things don't seem very important to me when I want to show you all my party pics and give you all the scoop. I guess I'll try again later because she looks as if she is going to fall asleep at any second. She was upstairs most of the night so she owes me some attention. She says she has a no-sleep headache. Big deal! I have a no pictures headache! I'll get back with you as soon as I can get a fire lit under Missy Linda, ok?

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