Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oversleeping Can Ruin Your Day!

Buenos dias all,
If any of you happen to see Missy Linda today, it would probably be safest to just nod "Hello", and walk on by quickly. Evidently, she overslept this morning by a couple of hours. She knew she had a pile of work to get finished today before time for class so she set her alarm really early. She did wake up at that time, only it must have been only long enough to turn off the alarm and fall back to sleep. Missy Linda is furious with herself as she doesn't usually do this. She can usually make herself wake up when she needs to do it.

At one time Missy Linda could count on her beloved Sheltie, Button, to make sure that she got up on time. When the alarm would ring, Button would stand by Missy Linda's head and poke her with her paw until Missy Linda would open her eyes. Then Button would look at the alarm and look at Missy Linda and back and forth until Missy Linda would arise. If she would try to close her eyes again, Button would start poking her again. One day when it annoyed Missy Linda because she did not really have to get up at that time, she scolded Button and told her not to do that any more. Button has never done it again. No matter how many times Missy Linda says she is sorry, Button will not awaken her. Shelties take criticism very seriously. I can totally understand that, can't you?

Well, I had better go someplace to lie low until Missy Linda gets her work finished. If she has to be absent from class today because she doesn't get finished in time, she will be in a major snit. She hates to miss class, but she says she has to work to be able to afford to go to school. Is that what you all call a "Catch 22"? I told you all how she thinks college is just the "be all and end all." Maybe I will have time to write more later today when Missy Linda is gone away from the house.

When Missy Linda told Tio Kane that oversleeping can ruin your day, he said, "Yes, but there is less day to ruin." That makes sense. TTYL

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