Thursday, October 22, 2009


Greetings most humans and many others,

As you are probably aware, it is that time of year when our minds turn to turkeys. Some of you humans really love to eat turkeys at Thanksgiving and even other times of the year. There is the traditional roasted turkey, the smoked turkey and the deep-fried turkey. This last version of turkey goodness is not for the untrained deep-frying chef. Missy Linda's neighbor, a retired fire fighter, burned down his home in pursuit of the crispiest crustiest outside and most moist, most tender inside ever. In my personal opinion, that is not a reasonable risk/reward ratio.

There are some of you weird humans who even like to shove one kind of fowl inside other types of fowl. I don't have a clue how this came into being, but it is becoming more popular, evidently. It is the increasingly desirous turduken. This is a chicken stuffed into a duck which is then crammed into a turkey. There are other forms of this with other animals involved, also. I cannot even conceive of opening that can of worms in this genteel musing.

Missy Linda is beginning to get obsessed with yet another type of turkey. She calls it "turkey neck," and she yells periodically that she is getting it! She seems to be quite unhappy about this phenomenon. Personally, I have no understanding about why she feels it necessary to have a fit about something like this. Of course, I don't have those types of human problems. All I know is that I am forced to deal with one more crazy thing that affects Missy Linda! Lord, please help me, is all I can think of to say.

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