Friday, October 30, 2009

Same Ol', Same Ol'

Good morning most humans and many others,

Well, here it is the day before Halloween, and I see no particular signs that we are doing anything special. I guess we will hand out candy, but I don't see the preparations for a party or anything. I remember that last year I had a really great Halloween, but I am trying to keep my excitement in check this year since things around here have deteriorated in the fun department.

I hear that Tio Kane has a party to go to tonight. I know that Missy Linda works today and tomorrow, but I think we should do something after she gets home from work- - -something fun for me!

Missy Linda tells me that today is Pseudo Uncle's birthday. I think it is one of those milestone birthdays- - -maybe a hundred or something. If that is the case, then an extremely Happy Birthday to Pseudo Uncle! May he live a hundred more years, right? (He does look pretty good for a hundred years old!)

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