Friday, October 16, 2009

Make-up Work

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, Missy Linda is at least up at a decent time this morning. She kind of slept in yesterday morning, and she took an hour nap yesterday afternoon. Then she even went to sleep before The Daily Show was very far along. She said she was tired from working more hours this week, and then Missy Ryley and Missy Emma came home with her on Wednesday after work. That would not have been too tiring except Missy Ryley insisted on taking Mr. Nelson for a very long walk. By the time Missy Linda took the girls home about 7:30, her legs had had it, she said.

The problem with zoning out yesterday is that now Missy Linda has two days of work to get done in one day today. She has some things that have a definite deadline so she had better keep her nose to the grindstone today. I am wondering if she will ever be able to be organized. I am guessing, no!

As you know, I am the equivalent of the fly on the wall around here, so I can tell you the real truth about what happens, right? I can assure you that my version of most events would be somewhat different from Missy Linda's version. Know what I mean?

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