Friday, October 30, 2009
Same Ol', Same Ol'
Good morning most humans and many others,
Well, here it is the day before Halloween, and I see no particular signs that we are doing anything special. I guess we will hand out candy, but I don't see the preparations for a party or anything. I remember that last year I had a really great Halloween, but I am trying to keep my excitement in check this year since things around here have deteriorated in the fun department.
I hear that Tio Kane has a party to go to tonight. I know that Missy Linda works today and tomorrow, but I think we should do something after she gets home from work- - -something fun for me!
Missy Linda tells me that today is Pseudo Uncle's birthday. I think it is one of those milestone birthdays- - -maybe a hundred or something. If that is the case, then an extremely Happy Birthday to Pseudo Uncle! May he live a hundred more years, right? (He does look pretty good for a hundred years old!)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
An Incident
Greetings most humans and many others,
I have yet another happening to report about Missy Linda that just shows how dangerously she can act toward herself and others. I am glad I was in the dining room yesterday morning!
In her great wisdom, Missy Linda has decided that Mr. Mushu is depressed because Mr. Nelson has come to live here. When she does some research about this situation, she learns that she has approached the problem of their getting along in exactly the wrong manner. Cats, she learns, are territorial while dogs go by social order. She realizes she introduced the two in the worst way possible to facilitate their getting along with each other- - -of course, she did!
Mr. Mushu stays on the bedroom side of the house, and Mr. Nelson stays on the kitchen/living room side of the house. They watch for each other, and never want to have any more confrontations after the first one that involved Mr. Mushu's giving Mr. Nelson a good whack across the face.
Well, Missy Linda has a few minutes to kill before going to work yesterday morning so she decides to start working on the problem with the enemies. Great idea! Only one person to control two pets with very limited time available. What could possibly go wrong?
Let me just say that Missy Linda has a couple of deep scratches on her face along with several smaller ones on her hands. (Facial wounds seems to bleed a lot in humans!) She got the bleeding stopped and cauterized well enough for work, but they are still pretty obvious.
You can certainly see why I worry about my well-being with her in charge of me, can't you? What in the world am I going to do with her?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Up and At 'Em
Good morning most humans and many others,
Well, I figured I might as well talk to you guys as just sit in there awake doing nothing. Missy Linda is up early today, and she is making enough noise to keep the neighbors awake. She is trying to get some things done before she goes to work this morning. If keeping me from getting my beauty sleep is on her list, she is getting it done!
She is not keeping Mr. Nelson awake though. He is fast asleep in Tio Kane's chair. He did kind of wander into the kitchen when Missy Linda was making her coffee to see if something urgent was happening. Then he sort of collapsed onto the floor with a big yawn. Now, he is back in one of his favorite sleeping places. Chasing squirrels is an exhausting job. (I don't know why Missy Linda doesn't make him sleep in his own bed!)
Well, I am going to try to get back to sleep if Missy Linda can keep it down to a low roar. I'll talk to you guys at a more decent hour, OK?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Greetings most humans and many others,
As you are probably aware, it is that time of year when our minds turn to turkeys. Some of you humans really love to eat turkeys at Thanksgiving and even other times of the year. There is the traditional roasted turkey, the smoked turkey and the deep-fried turkey. This last version of turkey goodness is not for the untrained deep-frying chef. Missy Linda's neighbor, a retired fire fighter, burned down his home in pursuit of the crispiest crustiest outside and most moist, most tender inside ever. In my personal opinion, that is not a reasonable risk/reward ratio.
There are some of you weird humans who even like to shove one kind of fowl inside other types of fowl. I don't have a clue how this came into being, but it is becoming more popular, evidently. It is the increasingly desirous turduken. This is a chicken stuffed into a duck which is then crammed into a turkey. There are other forms of this with other animals involved, also. I cannot even conceive of opening that can of worms in this genteel musing.
Missy Linda is beginning to get obsessed with yet another type of turkey. She calls it "turkey neck," and she yells periodically that she is getting it! She seems to be quite unhappy about this phenomenon. Personally, I have no understanding about why she feels it necessary to have a fit about something like this. Of course, I don't have those types of human problems. All I know is that I am forced to deal with one more crazy thing that affects Missy Linda! Lord, please help me, is all I can think of to say.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rack Monster

Greetings most humans and many others,
Here is a cute picture from the slumber party that we had when the girls were over last week. I think that Missy Maitlyn will be surprised to see that Mr. Nelson was sleeping on her legs. I think that she will be all right with it though. She likes him the best of any dog she knows, which means she can tolerate him. She did actually pet him a few times, and she held the leash on a walk. That is real progress for her.
I am not in the picture because I don't lie down to sleep. I was afraid I might get crushed, and I have enough physical disabilities as it is, don't you agree?
In the picture are Missy Maitlyn, Mr. Nelson, Missy Amelia and Missy Ryley. Missy Elspeth has wiggled out of camera range. Everyone had a fabulous time!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Make-up Work
Hello most humans and many others,
Well, Missy Linda is at least up at a decent time this morning. She kind of slept in yesterday morning, and she took an hour nap yesterday afternoon. Then she even went to sleep before The Daily Show was very far along. She said she was tired from working more hours this week, and then Missy Ryley and Missy Emma came home with her on Wednesday after work. That would not have been too tiring except Missy Ryley insisted on taking Mr. Nelson for a very long walk. By the time Missy Linda took the girls home about 7:30, her legs had had it, she said.
The problem with zoning out yesterday is that now Missy Linda has two days of work to get done in one day today. She has some things that have a definite deadline so she had better keep her nose to the grindstone today. I am wondering if she will ever be able to be organized. I am guessing, no!
As you know, I am the equivalent of the fly on the wall around here, so I can tell you the real truth about what happens, right? I can assure you that my version of most events would be somewhat different from Missy Linda's version. Know what I mean?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Greetings most humans and many others,
I am just typing this while Missy Linda is getting ready to leave for work so that I can be on the internet after she leaves. She probably will not notice that I am here at the computer because she is always in a hurry to get out the door so she won't be late. There are definite traffic problems at certain times of the day that she has not completely mastered yet.
Anyway, just read this knowing that I am just killing time because the second that front door closes behind her, I am on the internet shopping. She inadvertently left her debit card number lying here by the computer where she was paying bills earlier.
OK! There she goes. . .and the car is starting. . .and I am on to shopping. So long 'til until another time.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Quiet . . .Overrated?
Hi there most humans and many others,
Well, it is pretty quiet around here since late Saturday afternoon when the girls left. As usual, Missy Linda felt that they did not get to stay long enough. She says that her job has either given her more stamina, or the girls are just less work as they are getting older. She feels that she wasn't nearly as tired this time(even with the sleepover)- - -which usually is just something that is going to happen one way or the other.
It is back to the usual routine now. Missy Linda had to work yesterday- - -the women who always work on Sunday call themselves the "Sunday Girls." (Isn't that clever?) She will probably be must more frazzled this week than last week because she is working many more hours than usual this week. She also has Halloween costumes to make by Sunday. She says one reason that she gets more tired at work than taking care of "the girls" is that it is much less fun working.
Well, I have to go. I am a little "down" these last few days. Missy Emma said that she does not like me. It is because of all the Halloween displays in the stores and things like that, but I just count on all the girls' loving me all the time. I must say that my "feelings" are hurt a little. I hope she recovers soon.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Greetings most humans and many others,
Well, here it is early (!) Friday morning. Missy Linda got called in to work today so it was quiet around here for a while until the tiny divas and Missy Linda and Missy Lesley all came barreling in around four this afternoon. Now everything is quiet because Missy Maitlyn, Missy Elspeth, Missy Ryley, Missy Amelia and Mr. Nelson are all asleep on the family room floor, and Missy Linda is on the couch. They stayed awake until midnight (everyone except Missy Amelia and Mr. Nelson).
They are sleeping in there because they are having a slumber party, but they haven't been doing much slumbering! Again, here is one of those things I do not understand - - - It's a slumber party or a sleepover, but no one sleeps very much. You humans are too weird for me!
But, hey, at least this time I got to come to the party. Missy Emma was here earlier, but she had to go home. She said she did not like me, so it's just as well that she left. There was a lot of loud playing and things like that early in the party, but things got quieter after a while. Mr. Nelson seems to be enjoying having the girls sleep on the floor with him.
Well, I had better go try to get a little sleep while the girls are quiet. Who knows how long that will last, right?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Grocery List
Good morning most humans and many others,
Well, Missy Linda needs to get busy today to get the house cleaned and ready for Missy Maitlyn, Missy Elspeth and Missy Amelia. They will be here tomorrow afternoon, and she has to work this evening. One big job is that she needs to get to the grocery store for some major "kids in the house" shopping.
Some of the main things needed for kids are not necessarily the main things needed for adults. Here are a few of the most important things:
Toilet Tissue-lots and lots---because if enough is good, way too much is better.
Little paper cups---because little girls need an inordinate amount of water from these little cups that come from the dispenser in the bathroom.
Bubble bath---because, well, just because.
Ketchup---because nearly everything goes better with ketchup (evidently).
Popcorn chicken---because that is the staple of the the diet at Grammy's house when kids are here.
Chewing gum---because everyone loves fruit flavored gum.
"Fruitinacup"---(all one word when spoken by the girls)---because fruit tastes better if it is in a plastic cup that increases its cost exponentially.
Flavored water---because how could kids be expected to drink water from the faucet at Grammy's house? She doesn't even have the ice and water in the door of her fridge.
I think those are the most important things that we need for the visit. Too bad I don't have legs or I could help Missy Linda by shopping for her! Right?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Rain has Begun
Greetings most humans and many others,
Missy Linda says that the weather people are saying that it will rain on and off for a lot of the coming week. Just what we would like when we are having a bunch of little girls at the house! They like to ride their bikes here because we have sidewalks, and Missy Linda lives on a cul-de-sac which has very little traffic. It makes a pretty safe place to play. Everybody gets tired of being cooped up all the time, even at Grammy's house. Girls can color only so long!
I guess we will just have to see what develops- - -whether it is mold or outdoor fun!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Firmly Rooted
Greetings most humans and many others,
Well, I believe that I have become firmly rooted on the buffet in the dining room- - -No, really! I am wondering if I haven't just sprouted roots that keep me there. I haven't been moved for so long, there must be something going on like that!
Missy Linda is not interested in anything anymore except going to work and then collapsing when she gets home. Well, she had better get herself into gear because Missy Maitlyn, Missy Elspeth and Missy Amelia will be coming Tuesday through Saturday to stay here. Their parents are going to Colorado to look at towns to see where they want to move. Missy Linda thinks it will be Fort Collins, which is the farthest away.
Missy Linda did get it arranged so that she will have to work only one day while they are here, but she still is a tired old lady sometimes. Also, she will work every day until they get here, so she will be wrung out completely when they arrive. Poor, OLD Missy Linda!
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