Sunday, July 31, 2011

Young or Old?

Hello most humans and many others,

The other day I heard Missy Linda, Tio Kane, and some other people talking about age. Missy Linda said that she feels better now than she did in her thirties. A man just one year older than Missy Linda couldn't believe what she was saying. He thought maybe it is because Missy Linda doesn't have to care for children now. Tio Kane said that it is because that mister who used to live here, doesn't any more. The other man thought that was funny.

Missy Linda thought about the conversation later, and she has decided that what she had said is true. Maybe not for only the reason that Tio Kane suggested, although that is probably a factor - - - like we care one way or the other. She says that even though she still has headaches, she doesn't have nearly as many as she did back then. She is sure that she gets more sleep now and eats more healthfully, which is going to help, for sure.

I think she figures that if she didn't have a bad knee and if she got more exercise, she would be pretty well ready for the next twenty-five years. And to that I would say, "Please, let her give me to someone else before twenty-five years passes! "

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