Friday, March 12, 2010

Missed Opportunities

Greetings most humans and many others,

Of course, Missy Linda has her panties in a bunch this morning. (What else is new?) She does not like it that she is working on Friday. She has had Fridays off for several weeks in a row, and now all of a sudden, she is working. Poor Missy Linda!

She acts as if she actually had some big plans that she was forced to cancel or even some big job she was going to get done around the house. Yeah, right! I'll bet she would say she was going to empty her deleted file. If she has so much to do, why didn't she do it yesterday?

I say the trouble with Missy Linda is her time management skills. She says that it is energy management skills. Whatever her problem, she will have to wait until her next day off to waste her time- - -or will she?

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