Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another Setback

Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, it seems to me that all Missy Linda does these days is complain. I know that once in a while she has a good reason, but, my goodness, not every day! Surely, she has good things that happen to her to override the few tiny bad things.

Her beef today is that her house payment went up one hundred dollars. So? That is not even one fabulous dress for a human, or even one scrumptious pair of shoes for you people. (Remember, I am talking about other humans, not Missy Linda. Her clothes and shoes are the cheap stuff.) What in the world is she so bent out of shape about? She says it is not even the actual payment on the house, it is just the escrow for the insurance and taxes. She thinks her taxes may have gone higher. She says she can check on that, so what is the rub? She is such a baby! I think I will tell her to come and talk to me when she grows up a little! How does that sound?

Friday, March 26, 2010

She Couldn't Sleep

Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, I would suggest to any of you humans who might have to deal with Missy Linda today, put it off until another day if you can at all. She is already cranky from not being able to sleep last night. Add to that the allergy factor that she cannot take any medicine to speak of when she has to go to work, and she is already sleepy. An antihistamine would just knock her on her fanny! (Actually, I would enjoy seeing that.) However, her eyes do look somewhat runny today.

To top it off, she says that she awakened more than thirty minutes before the alarm was to go off this morning. Well, to that I say, "Perhaps you didn't need that much sleep."

I am just going to stay out of the range of her radar, and I suggest you all do the same!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

Greetings most humans and many others,

Missy Linda and the other people who work at the fabric store learned a valuable lesson this week. They were all very happy when they heard that the district manager was leaving to do something else. She seemed very flighty, and did things like come into the stores when they were closed. It would be a weird feeling to be there when the store closed in the evening and then be there when it opened the next morning, but things were changed around or there was merchandise that no one had ever seen before. If the store where Missy Linda worked had some "good" fabric that the district manager wanted for another store, she would just take it. No one liked the way she operated.

Well, well, well. When Missy Linda got to work yesterday, things were very different. There is now a new district manager, and he has new rules! All of the employees have to read and sign an agreement that they will sell their quotas of certain items each week or be at risk of having hours cut. The people who reach or exceed the quotas will be allowed to work the most hours. That is going over with everyone like a lead balloon!

I would just like to point out to you people out there that this affects my life, too! Missy Linda is already cranky about this. She is going to complain and whine, and she will probably be one of the people whose hours are cut. And where does that leave me? It leaves me with my chauffeur and social secretary having even less money to spend on me!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This is a Rant!

Hello most humans and many others,

Lately, I have been sitting on the bar in the kitchen rather than in the dining room. That means that I can watch TV when it is on. I am so disgusted with the way that you humans (and maybe some of you "others," also) have been acting! Since Missy Linda let me free from head down in a shopping bag, I have had a fairly steady view of the way that you all behave.

I have noticed that, lately, all people do is scream at each other and call each other names and tell horrific lies about others! How in the world are you ever going to get things done when everyone (at least, it appears to be nearly everyone) acts like a two-year-old.

Missy Linda says that when she was a kid and saw the demonstrations about civil rights and the Viet Namese war, she could understand the importance of those. However, even during those times, that were some of the most turbulent ever, people did not act like they do today. There was less of the rampant name-calling that has nothing to do with any issue, but then, I suppose Rush and Glen did not have their shows at that time! Maybe Glen is even too young to remember those events. I think that more children need to be taught in school how to debate or talk with others without just screaming and name-calling. Nothing is ever going to progress this way.

Anyway, it is just so overwhelmingly sad the way that so many of you humans are acting these days, that I am worried about my future. Aren't you humans supposed to be more highly evolved than the other creatures on earth? It doesn't seem like it to me!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What's Wrong With Men?

Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, around here, a lot of the talk has been about Sandra Bullock's husband's behavior. I have also been hearing about the "Oscar Curse" for the women of Hollywood. What is wrong with these human males that they cannot stand for the women to achieve more than they do? That's just the stupidest thing ever to me.

Missy Linda says that she is not a hard and fast Sandra Bullock fan, but she does know that Sandra waited a long time to get married because she wanted the real thing. Missy Linda just feels really sad for women who get betrayed in whatever way, and then it is on the international media. These guys must realize that this is going to happen. They are such wimps in so many ways, Missy Linda feels.

You know how she is when she gets a bee in her bonnet; I hear about it for days on end. She and Tio Kane have been talking about Reese Witherspoon, Charlize Theron, Halle Berry, Julia Roberts, Hilary Swank, Gwyneth Paltrow and Helen Hunt, to name several of the women who have had man troubles after winning an Oscar.

Technically, Jesse James cheated before Sandra won the Oscar, but he sat there bawling while she praised his devotion to her in the speech. Even a non-human thinks that is unacceptable!

You males had better get your acts together while women are still willing to have anything to do with you! That's what Juana Tortilla thinks.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Greetings most humans and many others,

I cannot believe that I haven't talked to you all in a week! It's like the time change sucked us into some kind of a vortex that changed time more than an hour.

And, hey, did you hear that the earthquake in Peru moved the earth's axis a little? Tio Kane said that he doesn't know whether to set his clock back 1.26 millionths of a second or forward 1.26 millionths of a second. Well, if he doesn't know, I certainly don't have a clue! I don't understand why Missy Linda and Tio Kane like to pose questions that neither they nor I can answer. That is just annoying to me.

Sometimes I kind of wonder if I am on some type of a reality show, and no one told me. Do you know anything about that?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Missed Opportunities

Greetings most humans and many others,

Of course, Missy Linda has her panties in a bunch this morning. (What else is new?) She does not like it that she is working on Friday. She has had Fridays off for several weeks in a row, and now all of a sudden, she is working. Poor Missy Linda!

She acts as if she actually had some big plans that she was forced to cancel or even some big job she was going to get done around the house. Yeah, right! I'll bet she would say she was going to empty her deleted file. If she has so much to do, why didn't she do it yesterday?

I say the trouble with Missy Linda is her time management skills. She says that it is energy management skills. Whatever her problem, she will have to wait until her next day off to waste her time- - -or will she?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who Are These Billionaires?

Greetings most people and many others,

This morning I heard on the news that there are four hundred billionaires in the United States! What I want to know is where are these rich people, and why can't I live with one of them? Missy Linda says that none of them would waste his or her time taking me places or doing things with me. What an insult!

I think that I just had the bad luck to get purchased or found or whatever happened that I got in this family by the wrong people. Surely, anyone who met me would love to spend a little of her free time making my life fabulous! After all, I don't ask for much.

All I want is some designer clothes, a few nights out a week, being allowed to throw a couple of parties a month and maybe a few trips every year. I feel that would be so easy for a rich person to provide, don't you? Missy Linda just has that crappy job at a fabric store, and she goes to school! Big deal! She has not gotten me invited to one fraternity party! I just think that has to be from lack of effort on her part, don't you?

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hello there most humans and many others,

Well, tonight is the Oscars, and I haven't seen any movement around here that makes it appear that there will be any partying at this venue. Maybe I should try to get on the Ellen show and win a chance to be a red carpet interviewer for them. Every year they do something like that.

On Friday, Missy Linda went to Norman and visited with Missy Barb. Then she and Missy Barb were treated to a movie by Pseudo Uncle. After that Missy Barb took them all for a Mexican dinner. Guess where I was! Exactly right! I was sitting right here on the bar in the kitchen watching TV when someone turns it on or watching Mr. Nelson when there's nothing else to watch. Let me tell you, I am sick of this! I would have loved to have an evening out. I haven't been out in I don't know when. I believe I need to formulate a plan to take care of this situation, don't you?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Greetings humans and many others,

I would like to point out that it is not my fault that I have not had a turn on the computer. It is time for mid-terms, it seems, and Tio Kane has been on the computer for three solid days, nearly non-stop, working on some project. Thank goodness, that's finally over.

Missy Linda didn't have to do a paper, so she has just been annoying me. She actually did sit with a big book for a couple of days, but I don't know if she was really doing anything. She is a slow reader, so maybe she was just trying to read a hard story. She is going to be a little annoyed if she sees this, but I get tired of her not paying attention to me. She did mention something about a test last night.

I have been hearing that the Oscar's are on Sunday. Remember that time I got to have an Oscar party? I can barely recall it since it has been so long ago. I do remember that I had a new fancy dress for it. I don't even remember the last time I got a new dress since then, do you?