Saturday, March 7, 2009

Phone Books

Hello humans,

How many phone books does your family need? I think that our family needs one or two sets (white pages and yellow pages). I don't even know how many we keep getting on our front porch! It seems that about once a month there's some new phone book there when we go out. I think that a few forests could be saved if they cut that down a little.

Once it is on the porch, we are required to do something with it. Well, the stack by the phone is already tall enough, and Missy Linda has some in the bedroom. She even has a small one in the car! Now what? That means that they must expect Missy Linda to drive to a telephone book recycling place, known as the telephone office, to get them recycled. While Missy Linda is a good recycler, even she balks at going that far so many times.

Even though there are coupons in the middle of some of the books, they could be sent out in a much friendlier way that would not upset Missy Linda. We do not like it when Missy Linda is upset. We like to keep things nice and calm around here. Remember that, everyone. Do not upset Missy Linda!

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