Thursday, March 12, 2009

Glad To Stay Home

Greetings humans and others,

I will tell you that today I am glad to stay home and let Missy Linda go out alone. I still have nightmares from last winter when I rode with her on a snowy/little bit icy day. I know that the roads aren't really slick today, but they weren't supposed to be slick that day either. I might go out in wintry weather some time if I ever recover from the last time! We'll see.

Missy Linda says she would probably stay home today just to be lazy, but the professors make sure that there are papers to turn in or tests to take this close to spring break. That way students cannot leave town or get too happy before the break actually starts. Missy Linda says that sucks because one of her professors is leaving town today for break. "Not fair!" she says. Poor Missy Linda-----not!

I'll bet you would all like to join me in a chorus of "My Heart Bleeds For You," wouldn't you?

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