Saturday, September 27, 2008


Greetings humans,

I watched the debate between the Presidential candidates with Missy Linda last night. I think that it may take me awhile to figure out politics. It definitely seems rather weird to me. I do not believe that I heard a word about Tortilla Keeper People at all. I do not believe that anyone cares about our rights.

After hearing about what different groups of people believe that their entitlements should be, I think that, since I am disabled, I should get some benefits, too. I do not have any medical insurance or anything along those lines. I just have to live with whomever will be kind enough to give me a home. I will probably never have a home of my own. I did not hear anything about someone caring about that.

It just occurred to me what I have to do. I will have to start a political group that will work with me to help get rights for the Tortilla Keeper People of the United States. I am sure that there must be more than just me. If you know any Tortilla Keeper People, please have them get in touch with me. It is of utmost importance. We have been kept down too long. Please help me in my fight, ok?

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