Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's Cryin' Time Again

Hello humans,

Wow! Around here everyone's eyes are all teary and ookey! Are yours? I hear that it is a particular kind of allergy at this time of year that bothers more humans than usual. However, at this house, there is always some kind of irritation that bothers everyone. I have never seen the like of runny noses, headaches and puffy eyes as exist around here. I have heard talk of wanting to move into one of those houses that is all totally shut off from the world and everything is sterile. I don't think that is a good idea. If they do that, I will have to find some other family to take me into their lives. I am cut off from the world enough as it is.

Missy Linda is one of those people who can hole up at home for an indefinite period of time without ever missing the outside world. She can watch movies and read and sew and just let the world go by without worrying about it. Although, she is kind of a news junkie, which seems to contradict the other part. She is happy to just watch the world on television, I guess. I hate it when she gets into one of those isolationist moods. She just lets herself go all to heck. She gets a little hard on the eyes, if you know what I mean.

It used to be that she would never go without make-up and super clean hair, but she will some days now. I don't know what has come over her, but it is scary to me. Now, she doesn't go out of the house like that, thank goodness, but I worry that it could come to that. I do not think that the world would be ready for that, do you?

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