Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Hero

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, the good news is that we haven't heard any scary wild animals since that terrifying night I told you about. However, Missy Linda, got a little anxious yesterday when Mr. Nelson decided he should defend his cul-de-sac from the friendly, larger, possibly lab mix, who lives in the neighborhood and comes by here sometimes. Missy Linda inadvertly let Mr. Nelson out into the front yard when the interloper was coming down the street toward our yard.

The loose neighborhood dog is very friendly, but Mr. Nelson doesn't want to hear it when he's in his own yard. He feels he must keep away any danger or threat, and he takes all his responsibilities seriously. The realization that the other dog is quite a bit larger than Mr. Nelson doesn't deter our protector.

Mr. Nelson's tail went up, which looked strange for a Sheltie, and he seemed to fluff out his fur to look bigger, like a cat would. He barked and circled and lunged at the tresspasser. Thank goodness, Mr. Nelson felt he got his point across before the larger dog attacked back very much. He finally obeyed Missy Linda and walked away from the fray and into the house with Missy Linda. 

I'm glad Missy Linda didn't have to jump into a dog fight, which it appeared she was about to do. She doesn't need any more bites and scratches other than the ones that Mr. Mushu gives her. That doesn't help her look attactive at all.

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