Sunday, February 10, 2013

Oh, Mr. Nick!

Hello most humans and many others,

Yesterday there was what Missy Linda called a "classic Mr. Nick" event. Tio Kane and Mr. Nick were moving furniture and things out of storage in Mr. Nick's pick-up. Mr. Nick had just given Tio Kane a safety talk about the bungee cord things they were using to secure the load in the truck. Tio Kane went to sit in the cab while Mr. Nick finished fastening down the cords.

All of a sudden, Tio Kane heard, "Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!" When he turned to see what happened, there was Mr. Nick flat on his back in the parking lot. Because it was Mr. Nick, Tio Kane immediately assumed the worst possible scenario. Was his neck or back broken? Did he have a terrible head injury from hitting the concrete?

Fortunately (?), Mr. Nick had been hit in the mouth and not his eye, and his back, neck, skull, and teeth seemed to be okay. There was a gushing split in his swelling lip, but that appeared to be the only injury.

From what I have heard Missy Linda say, Mr. Nick has had his share of accidental injuries. She was attempting to count the number of breaks to his left arm and hand the other day, and it was hard for her to decide on an accurate count. Oh, Mr. Nick!

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