Tuesday, January 10, 2012

All Her Plants Are Dead!

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, Missy Linda made a sad discovery yesterday afternoon. I think it was inevitable, but she seemed really upset. It so happens that she found out for sure that her little magnolia tree has definitely passed away. I have heard her say that giving her a plant is handing the poor plant a death sentence. I wonder what that poor little tree did to deserve that!

The weirdest thing is that she has been watering it all this time. I guess she didn't water it quite enough back in July when it was 120 degrees, and it didn't rain at all. I can attest to the fact that she did try, but obviously not hard enough. (It probably didn't help that she had moved the poor little tree twice since she got it.)

In addition to the demise of the magnolia, it appears that her Bonsai is dead. I think the name of that kind is "money tree." It originally had three entertwined plants. It was lovely. Now, there is one little green piece of wood left at the end of one stalk, but there are no leaves at all. That kind of mirrors what happened with the magnolia. I think that it's only a matter of time.

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