Saturday, September 3, 2011


Hello most humans and many others,

Yay! I heard all the weather dudes and dudettes say that today will be the last over 100 degree day this year! I am beginning to feel like I could be safe from melting again. Oh, please, let it be true!

I can tell that it is beginning to get that time of year because Tio Kane's and Missy Linda's eyes are all runny and red. Evidently they have some kind of allergy particular to this time of year. Missy Linda has big ol' purple half circles under her eyes. They are not very flattering, I must say. If I were Missy Linda I would try to do something about that. She has definitely not found the way to get a handle on things yet - - - actually that's true of many things.

I guess about all you humans can do about these allergies (and I hear nearly all of you have these at this time of year) is to take antihistamines. The trouble with that is that you people are definitely no fun after taking those. You are just a bunch of what seem to be sleepyheads! There's not much chance of going anywhere or doing anything fabulous then. Get it together people!

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